I leave on a gray morning not expecting rain, but sure enough, God starts spitting about 25 miles down Interstate 39. It is a light on and off rain, I can't decide whether to rain suit up or not. So I stop for gas and decide to press on. Luckily the rain subsides, and I dry out quickly. As the sun comes out, I leave the interstate where I-39 meets I-90 near Portage. Then join Wisconsin Route 28.
I stop for lunch in Prairie Du Sac at the Eagle Inn. On the banks of Lake Wisconsin, I had the Turkey Thanksgiving Special. The waitress was friendly and had a lot of questions about my trip. I'm always amazed at the reactions that I get when I tell people I'm on a long motorcycle trip. Most ask where you've been, and where you're going, some even ask if they can go with you.
As I leave the hills and curves of the Wisconsin River; Route 28 straightens out into a flat corn filled plain. In no time I'm crossing the border into Illinois. As I pass through Dixon Illinois, I stop at Ronald Reagan's Boyhood home. Reagan as a child lived in a lot of places in Northern Illinois, this was one of them.
After visiting a dead president, I rejoin I-39 and blast down to Decatur for my overnight stop. I'll be home tomorrow after 5 hours on the interstate and a stop at Four River Harley Davidson. You know I have to stop and check out the sales rack.