I recently bought a enclosed trailer online from
USA CARGO TRAILERS, to save a bunch of money on shipping I decided to drive to South Georgia to pick it up. The 500 miles south from Nashville to Lower Georgia, exposes the many cultural layers of this area we call the Deep American South.
Leaving Nashville heading towards Atlanta you cut through southern Appalachia. A series of mountains and rivers that fuel the American Soul. The Gateway of the deep south is Atlanta, with its 16 lanes of traffic it is always a dicey trip. Traveling through Atlanta could take 45 minutes or 4 to 5 hours, dependent not on time of day, but sheer luck.
Atlanta or Hotlanta known for both it's Baptist Churches and Strip Clubs it is a monstrosity of a city. I myself have only been to the later having more respect for my soul than to go to the former. Leaving Atlanta you now are in the deep south flat and sandy.

The deep south that consist of Lower North Carolina, South Carolina, Lower Georgia, Lower Alabama and Lower Mississippi is a agricultural area. In prehistoric times it was one big ocean floor hence sand. There is sand, lots of sand, and centipedegrass that browns in the winter.
The Deep Lower south is bordered by cajun country to the West, the Atlantic ocean to the east, the slight sophistication of the Northern South, and Florida to the South which really isn't part of the south. Florida is an international state and I personally do not consider it part of the South. Florida is more like California in its disposition and personality.

The lower South is safe, friendly, and predictable. It is the lower and slower south. On my trailer purchase paperwork it said that I had to pickup my trailer by 4PM. I walked into the office at 5:01 PM and with a smile the lady said, not a problem and sent a man out to the yard to retrieve my trailer. With a smile and a southern friendliness the transaction is completed.
I am on my way back to Nashville while getting gas I buy a powerball ticket. The Lady that sold me the ticket agreed to meet at the Lottery Headquarters in Atlanta to collect the money. With a lot of luck I'll be driving to Atlanta once again.