Monday, March 9, 2020

An Amish Friday Night Fish Fry

One of our kick off the spring events is the Amish Fish Fry fundraiser, which is in Todd County, Kentucky. It is a short 8 miles from our house.

Where we live in Tennessee, we are surrounded by Amish Communities.  When riding my motorcycle, I see them on the roads in horse and buggy.  We see them in their tractors at the Home Depot and the Wallmart.  Strangely enough, we have very little interaction with the community directly.  They seem to live in their own world of Tennessee and Kentucky, and we live in ours.

I have always been fascinated by the Amish's and their simple but hard agricultural lifestyle.  So when we're invited by a family friend to an Amish Fish Fry Fund Raiser, we jumped at the chance.  The Amish every so often will have a fundraiser, usually once or twice a year.  The funds are used to pay for medical bills throughout their community.  This coming together for a common cause illustrates how tightly knit their community is.

We arrive at a large steel building that seems to be used as a community center.  At the door, there is a donation box where you are handed a paper plate.  As you go through the buffet line, there are homemade beans, both white and baked, along with coleslaw and cornbread.  At the end of the buffet, you are served 3 generous pieces of catfish by an Amish Lady.  My guess farm-raised by the Amish themselves.  We sit down to eat at long folding tables and chairs.  It is a sight to behold, Amish and non-Amish sitting down to eat in the same room and all for and a good cause.  Plus, the food was outstanding.

Living in Tennessee over the years, I have had some contact with the Amish, one time spending eight hours with an Amish man who installed my wood burning stove at my lake cabin.  It was fascinating to hear about his lifestyle and their devotion to God.  On a trip to Shipshewana, Indiana, we visited the Menno-HOF, which is a museum that tells the story of the Amish and Mennonites.

While at the dinner, I can't help thinking about this great country of diversity that we live in.  We are all in this world together, it is in our American nature to come together and help each other when we can.

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