Monday, March 19, 2018

Collins Barracks, Dublin

As a Career Army Officer and history buff, I am fascinated by all things military.  When I was in Ireland I ran across this place Collins Barracks, a magnificent example of an old European Garrison.  Occupied by the British from 1701 to 1922, then the free Irish from 1922 to the present makes it the oldest continually run military garrison in the world.

Currently, some of the buildings house the National Museum of Ireland. In Ireland, we were constantly reminded of the fight for Irish independence and Collins Barracks is no exceptions.  Renamed after the father of modern Ireland Michael Collins.

We arrive by Taxi and immediately are impressed by the stark architecture of the Barracks and its traditional military courtyard where many a review of troops has taken place.  Inside the museum are exhibits dedicated to the British Garrison, the 1916 and 1922 Rebellion's, and the current occupant the Free Irish Army.

While there a group of young recruits were touring the museum with their Irish Drill instructors.  It's a place every soldier has been, the beginning of the process of becoming a soldier.  Seeing those young soldier file into and out of the Museum seemed like a window into my own past.  They are starting a journey that will change the course of their lives.

It seemed many were just going through the process not understanding the connection that they have to everyone that has gone before them. That will change in the coming weeks and months of training.

Collins barracks was an unexpected surprise and one that reminded me what a wonderful life I've been given and thankful for the great memories that I have.

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